Helping the Church Make Disciples

Amazing Creatures is dedicated to helping the church make disciples utilizing Three Stepping Stones of Discipleship: The Birth of Purpose, helping people understand the complex simplicity of the Christian faith; The Foundation of Purpose, what it means to be a follower of Jesus in the real world; and The Pursuit of Purpose, how to apply the teachings of Jesus to daily life.

The Birth of Purpose

Helping people understand the complex simplicity of the Christian faith.

People are searching for purpose in life, the reason they exist. The search is an exercise in futility until they become Christians, reborn into a whole new world of possibilities and a new way of thinking and living.


The Foundation of Purpose

Teaching people what it means to be a follower of Jesus in the real world.

Being a Christian on Sundays shouldn’t be different from any other day of the week. We need a foundation built on God’s word that carries us through every day of our lives.


The Pursuit of Purpose

Equipping people how to apply the teaching of Jesus to daily life.

The practical side of being a Christian is often lost amid the wonders and distractions of modern life. Applying biblical truth provides everything we need to navigate life’s turbulent waters.